Horizontal Bandsawing Tools
Vertical Band Saw Operation
Straight-line sawing is performed on the vertical band saw
machine by using one or a combination of several
mechanisms or attachments: the miter guide attachment, with
or without power feed, with or without the work-holding jaw
device-. and the work-holding jaw device with power feed and
angular blade guide attachmentThe miter guide attachment on some machines can be
connected to the power feed mechanism and on others
must be fed by hand. The workpiece is clamped or handheld
against the miter guide attachment and the workpiece
and attachment are moved on a track parallel to the blade,
thereby assuring a straight-line cut.
The work-holding jaw device on some machines can be
connected to the power feed to produce straight-line cutsThe angular blade guide attachment is used for straightline
sawing when the workpiece cannot be cut in the usual
manner because it is too large or too long to clear the
column of the bar, sawing machine frame.
Contour sawing is the process of cutting shapes in which
the direction of the cut must be changed at intervals. Holes
larger in diameter than the width of the saw blade must be
drilled at each corner where a change of direction of the
bandsaw blade will occur. illustrates the
methods of changing direction of a cut at a hole.
Sawing Away From the HoleTo saw away from the hole on a line tangent to the hole,
the saw blade must cut away from the center of the hole, or
the blade will bow and cause a belly in the cut. The cut
should be started as in A, in which a curve is
cut outward from the hole to meet the layout line, leaving
apiece of excess metal which can be removed later by
filing. An alternate method is shown at B, in
which a section of metal is notched out with a saw blade by
several short cuts to give the blade clearance for starting the
cut along the layout line.
Work pressure on the band file should not be excessive. A
medium amount of pressure applied against the band file
moving at the proper speed will produce curled chips which
will not clog the file. Heavy pressure will cause clogging
and can cause the file to break or the machine to stall. A
light pressures should be used for finish filing, with a slow,
sideways motion that will not leave vertical file marks on the